Pappardelle with stewed leeks and crispy porcini breadcrumbs

It’s no news that I adore Jamie Oliver. On the blog I’ve already published a recipe taken from his book “Jamie at Home” – my favourite among his books – where I learnt a lot about cultivating vegetables in my own garden and where I always find simple yet unordinary and amazing recipes.

The recipe of this post has become one of my favourite, and I usually prepare it during this season when I want to give a good impression with a vegetable dish.

The slow-braised leeks turn into an almost velvety sauce, with a delicate but well-defined flavour, and the porcini breadcrumbs balance with crunchiness and give extra flavour.  Have I convinced you to try it?

pappardelle con porri stufati e pangrattato ai porcini


Ingredients for 5 people

for pappardelle:
440 g flour
4 eggs
semolina flour

for the sauce:
5-6 leeks, medium-big size
about 80 g butter
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper

for breadcrumbs:
extra virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves
dried porcini muchrooms
2 slices of stale bread
salt and pepper

1.Let’s start with fresh pasta. Sift flour on a wooden board, make a well in the center and crack the eggs into it. Beat the eggs with a fork and start adding a little flour at a time.

2.As soon as the flour is completely absorbed and you have a nice lump of dough, wash your hands and remove the sticky pieces of pasta from the board.
Now, with clean hands and board, knead the egg pasta some for minutes, until it gets nice and smooth. Cover the dough and let it rest for half and hour at room temperature.

3.After the rest, cut a piece of dough, and using a pasta machine, roll out the dough at the desired thickness (not too thin or thick). Continue rolling out the pasta, until you finish the dough.

4.Let the pasta dry at the air for about ten minutes. Then roll each sheet of egg pasta and with a sharp knife cut into pieces of 1 cm wide. Unroll each piece and let pappardelle dry.

5.Let’s make the sauce. Carefully wash the leeks and thinly slice them. Put them in a big no-stick pan together with the butter and some evoo. Slowly braise the leeks, stirring from time to time, for about 40 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

6.For the breadcrumbs. In a mixer blend some tablespoons of breadcrumbs together with a handful of dry porcini, a pinch of salt and pepper. Roughly chop the two slices of stale bread. In a non-stick pan, heat up about four tablespoons of evoo with garlic cloves and let the breadcrumbs (both the grated and the roughly chopped one) toast for some minutes, until they turn golden brown. Switch off, remove the garlic, and add some fresh thyme.

7.Cook pappardelle in abundant salted water for about 6-8 minutes (cooking time vary according to pasta thickness). Drain pasta and put in the pan together with the slow-braised leeks and stir well.

8.Serve with a generous porcini breadcrumbs and a drizzle of evoo.


Recipe Name
Pappardelle with stewed leeks and porcini breadcrumbs
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This post is also available in: Italian

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