Easier said than done

Recently, I came back from a three weeks travel in South-East Asia. And it’s since the day I left that I wanted to write this post.

Apologies, since I won’t speak about food, or travels, and even though I am quite embarassed to unveil this weakness of mine, I feel I have to share it.

You have to know that I have a big fear of flying, which gets more intense if I don’t take flights for a long time. And this was the situation before leaving.

The worst moment for me is before the taking off. Those minutes between the moment when the pilot announces “Crew, take seat”, and when the motors are turned on and you’re pushed against your seat, and you’re aware the taking off has actually started.

The fear of flying sounds ridiculous to many. “Flying is the safest way to travel” is the typical sentence I hear, when I speak about this fear.


But fear is irrational, it insinuates in our mind, and it deeply puts down roots. And it blocks us.

It doesn’t matter what kind of fear we are speaking about: fear of flying, fear of traveling, fear of change, fear of making a choice. Fear shows up as a wall, between us and what we want to reach.

But, the problem is not feeling or not that fear. The problem is when we are blocked, and we don’t do things – especially the things we love – because of that fear.

And that’s the point. Picturing your goals (in my case, a city, a rice field, a noodle dish, I dreamt about for long) and demolish the wall, brick after brick.

I’m happy because I started my 2017 taking 6 flights, and without them I wouldn’t have been able to see the Petronas Towers and the Batu caves in Kuala Lumpur, I couldn’t have fallen in love with Singapore’s skyline (and its food, its Colonial district, and its Chinatown), I wouldn’t have got lost into the green nature of Bali, through rice fields and tropical gardens, and I wouldn’t have lived my first Chinese New Year. And so much more.

How many things beyond that wall. 

Article Name
Easier said than done

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